Control and Recovery from Viral Infections Including COVID-19

Grapevine, TX | PEMF and Extreme 02 Therapy | Kotsanis Institute

Dr. Kotsanis of the Kotsanis Institute of Grapevine, Texas explains how PEMF and Extreme 02 Therapy can improve health. Dr. Kotsanis' practice integrates elements of both mainstream and complementary medicine. This practice known as integrative medicine embraces principals and treatment methods which may or may not be accepted or embraced by conventional medicine providers, individual physicians or other health care institutions.


Speaker 1:
Today we're here to discuss two very exciting new technologies. One is extreme oxygen, and the other is pulsed electromagnetic fields. Now these two technologies work together as a unit because one addresses the biochemistry, and the other one addresses the biophysics. And in order to have a healthy cell and a healthy body, these two dynamic technologies must be utilized together, even, or separate, but together it's better.

Speaker 1:
Let's talk about the oxygen first. Now, oxygen is extremely important in all life. What distinguishes the planet Earth from many other planets is oxygen and water. Water, is, of course, is part oxygen, part hydrogen. So, in order for us to have the correct metabolism, we must have proper levels of oxygen.

Speaker 1:
And when disease sets in, the first thing that happens, hypoxia. Hypoxia means less oxygen, low oxygen. So in order to correct this hypoxia, which leads to inflammation, which leads to chronic disease, we have to go back to the root of the problem and look at the oxygen itself.

Speaker 1:
So we take a reading called pulse oximetry or blood gases. We will see that a normal oxygen concentration would be over 88%, but it has to be close to 100%. I like to see it closer to 97, 98, 99%. And if that's possible, then we know that hypoxia is usually low.

Speaker 1:
Now let's take diseases like degenerative diseases, whether it's diabetes, cancer, arthritis, allergy, any of these chronic diseases. We will see that the first thing that is obvious is the hypoxia. Now, the hypoxia or low oxygen, what it does is, it changes the pH. The pH is part of this chemical, biochemical sphere, if you will, that is to be in an alkaline state, alkaline meaning more than seven. But you cannot have pH over seven if you're hypoxic because hypoxia cause us to be acidic, less than seven.

Speaker 1:
So what's the best way to do it? Well, the best thing to do is to stop every hour and take deep breaths, all the way down. Fill your lungs with air. That's the best way. That's inexpensive. You just remember to do it every hour while you're awake.

Speaker 1:
Now, what happens when you have a chronic disease? Well, the hypoxia sets in. The inflammation sets in. The pH gets lower, and that's what chronic disease is. Lactic acid is formed, and the metabolism now is not driven with aerobic or oxygen-rich approach, use anaerobic or low oxygen. And when that happens, again, the pH is low, and you have chronic disease. Is there a way to correct this?

Speaker 1:
And this is absolutely yes. This innovative technology is very brilliant. As a matter of fact, athletes are using it. There's studies being published on it. There was, if I recall correctly, the San Francisco 49ers did a study. There's a football team that did a study, and they were showing the participants how well they were doing using this modality. And we have several athletes in our office that are using this modality with good results.

Speaker 1:
So what is the genius of this technology? We know that atmospheric oxygen is approximately 21%. So when you place the athlete or the ill patient on the bike for about five minutes to just warm them up. And after they warm them up, you give them 100% oxygen to breathe, which which every cell in your body would love. Okay? And then your body, all the cells now are kind of bathed, if you will, in oxygen.

Speaker 1:
However, the diseased cells can operate on low oxygen. So they're not going to take all the oxygen they need. They're happy with what they have. But we got to trick, now, the sick cells to accept more oxygen, because if they accept more oxygen, that means the diseased cells is they have to go through the process of apoptosis, or cell death, or to change back to normal.

Speaker 1:
So after we lack breath, so you peddle on the bike for about five minutes to warm up. Then we give you 100% oxygen to breathe for nine minutes, and then we switch you to 12% oxygen. That's where the trick is. And when you do this with a special equipment, and you're taking the person from a sea level to 14,000 feet above sea level.

Speaker 1:
So you're huffing and puffing. You're sweating. All the cells now, the good and the healthy cells, and the sick cells, they're screaming for oxygen, "Give me some oxygen," because you're depriving them from oxygen. So if you continue breathing 12% oxygen for a long time and being on the peddle, you're going to fall flat on your back.

Speaker 1:
Now, after three minutes of this exercise, we switch you back to 100% oxygen. And then the whole body is flooded with oxygen, including the sick cells. And when they're flooded, especially the cancer cells, they don't like oxygen. So we find out what diseased cells don't like, and we give them what they don't like, so they can either comply with the rest of the body. They join the rest of the cells that are healthy cells, or they go through the parts of apoptosis.

Speaker 1:
So that's the genius of this technology, is to go from 100% oxygen to 12% oxygen, back to 100% oxygen. And when that happens, all the cells are flooded with oxygen. All the lactic acid goes out. All the inflammation begins to go down, and the hypoxia is reversed. And then you have rich oxygen. And that's the biochemical approach to force, if you will, or to trick, the unhealthy cells to join the rest of the cells that are healthy and to go back to normal physiology. So that's the biochemistry.

Speaker 1:
Let's look at the biophysics portion of it, which goes hand-in-hand. So we're not just biochemical beings, but electromagnetic beings. So when we look at the charge of a cell, usually the charge is -60 to -100 millivolts. That's where a normal cell... It's like a battery in your car. You may have a brand new car, but the battery's dead. It's kind of hard to move the car forward. You may be in a nice building like this one, that there's all the air condition and the lights. Everything is proper. But if you turn off the electricity, you may be able to function for a day or two, but then you can't live here anymore. You have to move out.

Speaker 1:
So, therefore, we got to have the right electricity. You got to have the right charge. So when we say millivolts, that's a charge that you like, the -60, -70 is the average where the normal cells operate.

Speaker 1:
However, you remember earlier, when I was talking about the hypoxia and the inflammation and all that and the acidity, it drags down the cell, not just biochemically, but also bioelectromagnetically. And it drops it down. If you, let's say, have chronic fatigue, maybe you're -40. If you have cancer, you're -30 to -10.

Speaker 1:
So your battery's empty. So how can you drive now, this wonderful machine called the cell, and this wonderful human body, which is the absolute best machine ever invented. Okay? It's called the human body. You got to have the biophysics together. So when you get the biophysics back up to normal, to -60, -70 millivolts, what happens? All the diseased cells, whether you have osteoarthritis, osteopenia, cancer, diabetes, you name any disease you want to throw in, if you correct the biophysics portion of it, if you bring back up the electromagnetic fields to -60 minus -70, then the cells operate in a normal way.

Speaker 1:
The hormones are working properly. The brain is working properly. The liver, the kidneys, all the detoxifying organs are working properly. The mitochondria, which is really the factories that make energy, they got to have this -60, -70 millivolts, and you got to get the mitochondria charged to produce energy.

Speaker 1:
So, what we do in our office here, you combine these two technologies. Within 45 minutes to an hour, you do both. They're very gentle. They're very benign. There's no pain involved. As a matter of fact, everybody feels invigorated after they do the procedure.

Speaker 1:
And if you sleep in the afternoon, jump on the bike with the oxygen for 15 minutes. You do the pulsed electromagnetic field for another 10 minutes, and you're ready to go run again. So, instead of taking a cup of coffee, just do this procedure. It's very inexpensive. It's very ingenious. It's very healthy. And there's no downside, no downside from this at all.

Speaker 1:
Both these technologies are benign. They're commercially available for everybody to use. Unfortunately, we're not using it often enough. So my recommendation to all my patients and all, in people that are healthy, they can come to our office. They can get on the bike, get the oxygen, get the pulsed electromagnetic fields treatment, and then they feel great. And the supplements you take, they work better. The food you eat works better. You sleep better. If you sleep better, of course you have more energy.

Speaker 1:
So I encourage everyone to consider this technology. If you don't know about it, next time you visit our office, I'd be more than happy to give you a tour and show you the wonderful things that can be accomplished using these two technologies together. Thank you.